Can you picture this? You find yourself staring off into space while two of your coworkers bicker about a naming convention. Six of you sit around in a conference room, with someone's laptop projected on the flatscreen TV, and you're entering the fourth hour of a marathon code review. Does this sound familiar?
These reviews can be boring and contentious, and frankly, they can waste a lot of time. But you don't abandon the practice of reviewing; the underlying concept is important.
Well, you can have the sanity check without the expensive (and often soul-crushing) time investment. By automating your code review, you can completely eliminate the low-hanging fruit and save human interaction for concepts and overarching design discussions. CodeIt.Right will help you facilitate this change.
CodeIt.Right's biggest benefit is the automatic code refactoring
CodeIt.Right was the only tool that we found that gave us the ability to adapt it to our chosen coding standard, rather than having to adapt our coding standard to suit the tool
The labor savings and quality that we were able to achieve using CodeIt.Right were tremendous!
The main reason for choosing CodeIt.Right over the other tools was the immediate context driven suggestions
We've all been there. You're new to the team and want a sanity check before committing your code for the build. But the senior devs on the team are pressed for time and can give you only a cursory - and sometimes grouchy - review. It's frustrating.
So forget the waiting. Get instant code review feedback as you work.
Keeping your codebase clean takes a lot of time and effort. And you often don't have that time. If you don't believe it, think of that one class in your codebase that everyone's been meaning to do something about: it's just never the right time.
With CodeIt.Right you didn't need to spend time thinking about how to clean up and refactor - you can automate that process!
There are a lot of painful workflows when it comes to code review. Maybe you use pull requests to trigger code reviews, but approvers lack the time, resulting in upstream merge issues. Or perhaps you merge frequently and take code review action items as another round of changes to trunk. None of this is great.
CodeIt.Right's automated review can act as a gatekeeper when incorporated into your build! This sort of automation is how orgs like Facebook can push code constantly into production.